“Leave your opinions their own quiet undisturbed development, which, like all progress, must come from deep within and cannot be pressed or hurried by anything. Everything is gestation and then bringing forth.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

I’m betwixt and between today…. I have about 72 different things I want to write about, and nothing is gelling.

It’s a little like standing in the center of a snow globe and watching the random thoughts fall all around me in a blizzard, each individual flake a piece of something larger that I have yet to grasp.

Or lying with my face mashed into an amazing tapestry – I can see the threads, but I don’t know if what’s in front of me is a beginning or an ending, or if I’ve picked up in the middle… I just don’t have enough distance to see the weft and the weave, or how things connect and diverge.

Apparently, I’m gestating.

“The creative mind,” says Carl Jung, “plays with the object it loves.”

And I am – my brain is turning over my deepening understanding of healing, the process of manifesting, Perfection of Effort, choice, purpose, connection, love, relationships, and a myriad of other “stuff,” as well as a zillion questions about our individual experiences of the sacred, boundaries vs. limitations, empathy, our need for others to conform to our way of thinking and feeling, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, quantum physics (which sometimes I feel like I need in order to figure out the Republican and Democratic parties,) and all the usual “what is the meaning of life” sorts of ponderings…

It’s a nice, juicy, full-of-possibility place to be…

Except there is, at the end of the day, a commitment I’ve made to putting something concrete out into the world…

And I got nothin’…

A very, VERY pregnant nothin’… a nothin’ on the way to becoming a whole lot of somethin’…

Which, I have to admit, started to make me feel a little bit panicky and pressured… the need to come up with PRODUCT…

But I also know that when I try to force my creative juices, I end up being unhappy with the result… Kinda like trying to bake a cake faster by doubling the temperature of the oven – what you get is something flat and crispy… ugh.

So I’m just sitting in the betwixt and between…

And I gotta say, when I actually let go and just let myself BE in the muddle, my brain started meandering around about the process of processing…

It’s one of those things the “THEY” always tell you – start from where you’re at, let go of the trying, surrender the end result, stop worrying about the audience – and once you do that…

FLOW happens!

“You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

One comment on “Processing the Process

  1. intpseeker

    Nice! Forget the distraction of PRODUCT. It’s the effort in the moment that we might have a chance of taking care of. If we do our best, perfection of effort, the PRODUCT takes care of itself…as it did above!

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