I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.~ Stephan Grellet

If you are ever fortunate enough to walk anywhere with HHP Founder Kurt Hill, you will quickly realize he knows half the people on the street… and those he doesn’t, he will stop to compliment – on his hat, on her dress, on how happy they look.  People light up, pleased to have been seen.

I once , while riding the Tube in London, told an older man who looked like he might be a barrister, how much I liked his tie.  He looked very surprised and flustered, and he blushed when he thanked me, but when he got off at the next station, he looked back and waved.

A woman I’d never seen before passed me the other day and stopped to tell me that I looked lit up on the inside… I laughed in surprise, but felt delighted… and walked away smiling and a little more bouncy.

There are times when being complimented by a stranger means more than the same words from a loved one.  There is no way to discredit or dismiss a person who has nothing to gain and is not potentially blinded to our faults by familiarity…

The cost of these small gestures is so little, yet it pays back such joyful dividends.  And unlike most investment opportunities, it takes absolutely no time for the good will we spread to return to us.  Watching someone receive and own a compliment, automatically makes us feel uplifted and more cheerful… never mind that getting our heads up out of our own lives and focusing on the broader world can give us a fresh perspective.

It is so easy to sprinkle joy, to touch people’s lives with a little bit of light in the midst of a busy day.  Some of them we may never see again – but others will become familiar to us, smiling when they see us coming, sharing small pieces of news, creating community.

What have we got to lose?

I have always depended upon the kindness of strangers.” ~ Tennessee Williams, A Street Car Named Desire

5 comments on “Sprinkle Joy

  1. Mary Cahill

    Tara, You are doing an excellent job with your postings. They are so uplifting and positive, yet something I’ve always known but could not or did not put it into words. Just know I make my way to the computer and read your blog each day, nod my head and say, “So true.” I also have been sharing them with friends. Keep them coming. Love, Mary

    1. admin

      Thank you, Mary! It means a lot to me both that you’re reading & sharing, but also that you’re enjoying… love you, Lady!

  2. brie

    Sprinkling joy is possibly my favorite thing I’ve learned from you! When I was posting the other day about my favorite street busker..I stopped and talked to him because he sprinkled joy. (He always tells me how great my boots are.) And now i try to do that for him too. It’s lovely! 🙂

  3. admin

    I sprinkle joy; you sprinkle joy… hopefully the people we sprinkle joy on will go out and sprinkle some more joy… if we each JOY at least 2 people a day and they JOY 2 more… pretty soon we’re ALL more joyous!

    LOVE IT! 😉

  4. BFS

    This title seems familiar. I think maybe I coined it after watching you walk down the street and into the subway doing just that. I forget often to do this but you have reminded me once again how much I can learn from my offspring!

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