What would you like to find?
a safe haven for physical, emotional, mental & spiritual transformation


For Safety’s Sake


: )


“The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”~ Maya Angelou

I’ve been talking to a lot of people the last couple of days about who we are, here at HHP, and what we’re about.

I have an added advantage in trying to communicate just how special what founder Kurt Hill has created here, in that I’m not only a practitioner, but I began my time as a client.

I found my way here – like so many of us do – because a friend told me I just HAD to meet Kurt.

And of course, Kurt being Kurt, he said some pretty amazing things to me that first day that, in retrospect, have had a tremendous impact on both the shape and direction of my life…

But that first day, I didn’t know what I know now – so it wasn’t his words that brought me back for the 2nd visit that turned into a 3rd which turned into 4 years, which turned into my becoming his apprentice and eventually a practitioner.

No, it was the feeling I had when I walked out the door.

I had had body work before, and I’d seen my share of counseling.  But never before had I walked out of a session conscious that real change had occurred.  I’m not the only one who has experienced the bursting of an emotional dam on Kurt’s table… in fact I had been warned that it probably would happen.  So I was prepared.

But when he first started to run energy, I felt as if there were doors across my heart that were jammed closed.  Like the sliding doors at the supermarket, they kept trying to open, only to slam shut, over and over again.

“It’s not going to happen, “ I thought. “I’m not going to be able to let go.”

And then Kurt moved his hand to the top of my head for a moment, and when he put his hand back on my chest, it was as if those stuck doors flew open.  The flood gates burst free and I was a sobbing wreck on the table.

“I see you,” he said, “and I’m right here.”

Which, of course,  only made me cry harder.

And when I got up – oh, when I GOT UP – it was like this enormous weight had been lifted.  I felt free; I could feel the light shining out of me, and, for the first time, it felt like it was safe to reveal that light to the world… that I was protected in some way from being harmed because I dared to let my Self hang out.

I noticed people on the street looking at me differently; babies smiled and threw themselves into my arms, adults smiled warmly… and I knew it was because Kurt had somehow managed to clean the grit out of the windows of my internal lighthouse, and now that beacon – that connection to my something larger – was available for everyone to see.

And it felt good to be that person…. so good that I never wanted it to end.

Today, if I can give a fraction of that experience to my clients, then I know that I have been a part of something wondrous and joyful; I feel privileged to be allowed to participate in someone else’s homecoming.

And I tell them so when they call.

“This indeed is a safe refuge, it is the refuge supreme. It is the refuge whereby one is freed from all suffering.”~ Buddha

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